Hazard 4- Covert Escape RG Camera Bag
Carry gear without using a belt and easily reach your items in confined spaces, such as vehicle/aircraft cabs where your elbow room is restricted. A more comfortable alternative to belt holsters as you won't be poked by your gear while seated, this convertible harness will expand your carrying capacity beyond what you can comfortably carry on your belt. The content-specific Covert modules carry tools/equipment in 5 configurations which you choose to suit your task. Keep expensive electronics and gear safe, close and (if need be) out of sight while in crowds.
Highest quality materials and hardware, combine with excellent design and workmanship to produce the finest, precision equipment holster of its kind. It far exceeds the standards you are used to for this type of product. It is used by professional guides, military, pilots, independent travelers, snowboarders needing to tune up equipment on the slope, and countless other users looking for the best system to carry frequently used personal equipment. Also functions as a last-ditch, always-close survival kit.
Re-designed 2013 Model!!
The 2013 version has upgraded tougher nylon fabric, super plush, quilted micro-suede interiors, and an added fuzzy loop area for attaching our hook-backing StickUp holsters. The new design features all black labeling and non-reflective zippers for a very stealth look.
_ unique harness system - easily covert from chest pack mode to
waist pack, bandoleer, shoulder bag modes.
_ main pack interior can hold: pen, AA batteries, tools, flashlight,
cables, cell/PDA battery, etc.
_ main pack exterior can hold: flashlight, pocket knife, pen, multi
tool, lighter, etc.
_ removable shuttle bag/area can hold: camera, PDA, GPS, radio,
battery, etc.
_ the included snap-loop on the back, allows the pack to be worn
on belts up to 2.25" (5.5 cm) or use its buckle-strap as a belt.
_ tri-glide (overall size): ~1.2" L x 1.1" W (3 x 2.7 cm)
_ tri-glide opening: ~1" L x 0.4" W (2.6 x 1 cm)
_ 1x Splittable harness
_ 1x Main pack only (the version that comes with 2 packs is the Loader)
_ 1x Removable shuttle bag with water-proof zipper